Using the application
Shown in the top left corner, this button opens the Options side menu.
New Game: If the current game is started, it will be saved in Game History and a new game will start with all the currently selected options.
Option Sections: Shows the games options, see below.
Game History: Shows a list of all the prior games you’ve played. Delete them as you wish.
At the bottom there are links to various SykoSoft.Net’s web pages.
When the Scorecard starts you should choose the first dealer: North, East, South, and West (also Up and Down if playing 6 players). Do so by tapping the name of the player. These names can be changed by long pressing on them and tapping Rename.
Tap the Declare button under the declaring player. Select the number of points the declarer bid. Then tap the trump color. After the hand has been played tap Score.
When the hand is over, tap Score. You will be asked how many points the declaring team received, the rest goes to the other team.
Use 1’s: Tells the App that the 1’s will be used and are 15 points apiece. When using 1’s the minimum bid is 85 and the max is 180.
Use Baby Bird / Red 2: Tells the App that you will be using the Red 1 as the highest trump OR that you will be using the Baby Bird (second highest trump, usually the Red 2). The point value of this card is set by the Baby Bird / Red 2 Value option.
Baby Bird / Red 2 Value: The point value of this special card. Defaults to 20. Baby Bird is usually 20 points and Red 2 is usually 30 points.
Call Partner: Tells the App if you are playing the “Call Partner” variation of Rook. See Below.
Track Called Cards: Tells the App if you would like to keep the which cards were called throughout the game.
Call Partner
Tap the Declare button under the declaring player. Select the number of points the declarer bid. Then tap the trump color. You are then asked for which card the declarer called to determine their partner, trump then rank. When playing with 6 players you will be asked to enter 2 cards.
When the hand is over, tap Score. You will be asked how many points the declaring team received. Then you will be asked for the name of the partner for that hand. When playing with 6 players you will be asked for 2 teammates. The called card is shown above the teammate selection list. The rest of the points go to the other team.
Privacy Policy
This app collects no user data of any kind. All data, such as player names, scores, game history, number of games played, and game options chosen are recorded on your device and only your device for the purpose of using the app and no other.